Frequently Asked Questions

  • Telling your loved ones about your pregnancy can be scary. You may expect them to react in a certain way, but their responses could still surprise you.

    Consider telling your partner first especially if you are in a healthy relationship. Look for an undistracted time to share the big news. Tell him about what you are thinking and feeling.

    Ask him to share his thoughts and feelings with you too. Some people need space to process their emotions before sharing. If that's your guy, give him the extra time he needs to talk about it more later.

    Your family may be disappointed or even angry to hear about your pregnancy. They have hopes and dreams for your future and they probably want the very best for you. Remember the idea of your pregnancy will be new to them and they may need time to express their feelings and choose their best response.

    Consider working with your local pregnancy center or a supportive friend to make a plan for telling others about your pregnancy. Show your loved ones that you are mature by telling them about your future plans. Explain how you hope to handle the pregnancy related decisions, invite them to help you in practical ways, even if they don't initially support your choice.

  • Some people may tell you that you can't achieve your dreams if you have a baby now but why not? Sometimes the best changes in life are unplanned. What if you can be strong enough to realize your dreams and flexible enough to adapt to Onyx back to the circumstances?

    Hey, we all need help sometimes and you may have more support than you think. Many women have found the resources encouraged the need to make positive choices and live without regrets.

  • Women who choose abortion often say they didn't feel like they had enough support to have their baby and that you talk with your partner about your decision share. Your true thoughts and feelings I consider asking your partner to get counseling with you.

    Sometimes support can come from unexpected places of you know you can't rely on your partner. Where else can you turn, family and friends as well as your faith community or a local pregnancy center may have resources that will be helpful to you. Take the time to explore all your options.

  • Being strong me hard but this is your decision and you will be most affected by the choice you make. It isn't legal for anyone to force you to make the decision they want.

    If someone was pressuring you to make a quick decision and explain your needs and try to involve them in counseling to explore your positive options. There is help available if someone is trying to force you to get an abortion

  • It’s important to be sure that you are pregnant; it is possible to receive a false indication of pregnancy. We offer free, reliable pregnancy tests and other services that check the viability of your pregnancy.

  • Abortion is a medical procedure and does involve the risk of physical harm. You have the legal right to be informed of the type of procedure you will receive, as well as any potential complications. Ask as many questions as you need, to make sure you understand all that is involved, physically and emotionally.

  • Find out the name of the doctor who will perform your abortion procedure, and confirm that he or she is a licensed physician and a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist. Call and ask if the doctor has appropriate privileges to admit you to a hospital in the event that there is an emergency. Also, many states maintain public records about past medical malpractice judgments and settlements. Call the State of Michigan Licensing Board at 517-373-6637 to see if the doctor has been involved in any medical malpractice suits.

  • Abortion providers may not provide any follow-up or emergency care, should complications arise. Ask the abortion clinic if the abortion doctor has admitting privileges to a hospital nearby should you require emergency care.

  • Abortion is your choice-meaning you can change your mind at any time. It’s OK to say, “I need more time to consider my decision,” if you are in the waiting room or even on the table prepped for your procedure. Don’t feel pressured to proceed just because you feel like you have to. It’s your body; you have the right to listen to your instincts.

  • Yes. If you or someone you know has had an abortion and has questions or needs support, contact us for a confidential consultation.

    Call (313)382-5941

This is your decision.

Only you can decide what is best for you.